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Meet our Quilter - Annie S

Amish Annie's PlaceMeet Annie S - Annie S is a busy Amish lady. Besides quilting - she runs a tiny general store up the hill from her home along her long packed gravel lane, and does hand quilting for us and others in the little presious spare time she has left, simply because she loves the beauty and peace that quilting brings.  Her Amish home is so small, that she does her quilting in the Old Order Amish square quilting frame, but her quilting frame is raised and lowered by a pulley system, so it won't take up the floor space in her tiny cottage, and yet it's always right at hand. When she is done and needs the space, she just raises it up. Needless to say, her home is meticulous and organized so the small space appears cozy and welcoming.

Amish Annie Canning Shelf

If you are in her neighborhood and stop by, she may be in the store, she may be in the garden or you may find her gathering grapes from her neighbors grape vine to make grape juice. Nothing better than fresh grape juice right off the vine.

Across the lane from her store, you can see the water tower that is windmill fed which stores and supplies the water for her home and the next door Amish farmhouse. She has an ample vegetable garden in the spring and summer time, so she is also busy canning those tasty foods.

Amish Annie Quilt SampleWhen visiting you'll see Amish children running, playing and doing some gardening next door along with the various farm animals like chickens running around. Annie S is Old Order Amish, and she wouldn't let me take a picture of her but here are photos of her windmill, shelves of various canned goods, applique quilting that is being worked on and a summer kitchen brick building.

Amish Annie Windmill powered water pump