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Meet our Quilter - Fannie P

Amish Fannie BuggyMeet Fannie P - Fannie P lives in a large Amish farmhouse with her husband's invalid grandparents, caring for them and their daily needs, plus the needs of her own large brood of now teenage children and her husband. You should see her home on laundry day, it is amazing how much laundry they can hang on a laundry line that stretches upwards of 30 feet or more.

Amish Fannie Quilt TopShe has a full Amish home, full of love and life, and her joy is evident in the fine stitching she does on her quilts. The quilt frame is always full, and the beauty and peace that it represents are evident in the warmth of her Amish home. She is one Amish woman who really appreciates getting the quilt money to support her family. Her husbands Grandparents don't collect social Amish Fannie Buggysecurity, all support comes from the Amish community at large and relatives. It always amazes me how the Amish can accomplish this task!

Amish Fannie Home

Living in the next Amish farm over is her sister (and her family), and just over a few lanes is the Amish farm where she grew up, the farm where her mom and dad still live (now in the Daudi house with her brother running the old farm). Fannie is surrounded by a close knit Amish family life, and feels blessed beyond comprehension.

I have included a couple photos of her buggies, a small quilt being quilted and a photo of her home.

Amish Fannie Quilt in Frame

January - We just visited Fannie today to check on a quilt she is working on, so I took a photo, here is that quilt.